Oakcrest Animal Hospital is a vet office in Wichita, KS. My primary goal for this business was to create a more modern identity. 
I wanted to bring more animal iconography to this business, while also keeping the oak tree iconography. 
The website also did not feel like a vet website and the color scheme did not fit well with the existing logo, so that was also one of my goals for this brand.
Client Original Web
Client Original Web
Inspirational Iconography
I collected images of vet logos to see what competitors were using, I also looked a tree inspired logo marks and oak illustration for inspiration.
I knew that I wanted to use oak leaves instead of a full tree because I felt it would take away from the animal imagery that I would use. So I drew different leaves to work with in Illustrator.
Digital Rendering
I transferred my stretches into Illustrator and created a variety of elements to create a logo mark. 
Font Choice & Placement
After working with the digitally rendered sketches I created several variations of logos. Then I choose a font that reflected the line style of imagery.

Logo Refinement
After choosing the font and placing, I went back to compare a variety of new options for the final logo.
Chosen Logo Mark
With the logo mark chosen, I had to understand how to make this brand more than just a logo.       
Color Choice
I choose cool relaxing colors for this animal hospital. The original logo and website did not give me a sense of the business with the color scheme. I wanted to have a light medical feel to the brand.
Logo, Color, and Iconography Treatment
With the logo and colors  chosen, I was able to start developing a full identity for the brand. This was for how I would use the logo mark, imagery, and colors for a cohesive brand. I felt an offset line with color blocking was true to the spirit of the brand, as well as a lighter transparent leaves to offset the heavy lines. 
With the established brand I created an Identity set, advertisement, and a conceptual website.
Identity Set
Identity Set
Environmental Advertisement
Environmental Advertisement
Conceptual Website
Conceptual Website
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